
Predictive Analytics

Our insights and solutions arise not only from a practical but also a scientific perspective.

Using robust and powerful analytic techniques, we can develop tools which help you anticipate how your customers will behave in the future by looking at what they've done in the past. Possible applications include identifying groups most likely to respond or defect, analyzing fraud and risk, and uncovering sales opportunities for new products.

Statistical analysis can also help identify customer segments that share behavioural trends and demographics. Most importantly, the tools we employ are directly determined by your specific business objectives and needs.

Data Management

Data analysis would be meaningless without proper data organization and design. Our expertise as heavy end-users of databases has provided us with tremendous knowledge about what constitutes an effective database system.

We build databases tailored to your business needs and resources. We start with an analysis of the information and critical requirements to your organization, followed by the highly-detailed, technical design of the database. The end to this means: a database with increased and refined analytical capabilities, plus increased user access to the data.

BFG also specializes in developing Customized Data Marts primarily for marketing departments as well as Campaign & Contact Management Databases that allow organizations to track all marketing activities to their clients and the activities outcome.

Customer Value Management

Our Customer Value Management practice addresses the needs of both new and experienced database marketers. For organizations new to database marketing techniques, we can design a strategy which will provide both quick-win and long-term solutions to your business challenges. For the more experienced database marketer, we can identify and prioritize your key business challenges based on an assessment of your current information environment.

Whether you're a novice or an old hat in database marketing, we believe teamwork between our organization and yours is the key to producing profitable solutions tailored to your specific needs

Business Intelligence Reporting

Establishing reporting procedures relevant to your business is fundamental to continuous improvement. Reports need to be designed not only to identify enterprise wide trends (Dashboard Reports), but also to measure the effectiveness of various marketing strategies and tactics. We start by identifying what needs to be measured and how it will be measured, then create a standardized process to ensure continuous and consistent reporting.

Our Services

Our Solutions CRM Approach Data Mining Methodology